COVID-19 Big Hearts Policy Update Calling All Climate Champions To Apply



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Category: What Are We Doing?

What Are We Doing?

We donated 430 generators to the victims of war in Ukraine

Although it is rarely seen in the media, the difficulties experienced as a result of the war that has been going on for months continue. In order to support the basic needs of the Ukrainian people, who have difficulties in meeting their basic humanitarian needs, as First Hope Association, we loaded 430 generators on our trucks to deliver them to those in need. We wish the generators to be a hope for the war-torn Ukrainian people and that the war will end as soon as possible.

What Are We Doing?

We donated coats and boots to 45 students

With your donations, we donated coats and boots to 45 students studying at the Malazgirt Secondary School in the Bağcılar district of Istanbul, so that they would not feel cold in cold weather. We were all very happy to see the smiles on the faces of the little ones.

What Are We Doing?

We distributed 27 baby sets to families in the refugee camp

We distributed 27 baby sets to families in the refugee camp in Torbalı, İzmir. You can help families in need in cold weather by donating to First Hope Association.

What Are We Doing?

We delivered their stove to Azizi family

We met the Aziz family in Van during family visits. We learned that they lost their 2-year-old sons due to cold weather conditions, and that the father lost 8 fingers from gangrene due to cold weather. As First Hope Association, we bought a stove for this family in need to warm up and installed it with our own hands.

What Are We Doing?

We distributed food kits, hygiene kits, baby kits, diapers and baby food to families in need

After the home visits we made in Van in October, we distributed food kits, hygiene kits, baby kits, diapers and baby food to families in need. Thanks to your donations, the happiness of families and especially children is a great motivation for us to work.

What Are We Doing?

We visited Mr. Ahmet TÜRKÖZ, Deputy Director General of Civil Society Relations of the Ministry of Interior Republic of Turkey

We visited Mr. Ahmet TÜRKÖZ, Deputy Director General of Civil Society Relations of the Ministry of Interior Republic of Turkey, in his office. We gave information about the activities of our association and about our Search and Rescue Vehicles, Mobile Hygiene Trucks, Mobile Bakery and Catering Vehicles that we offer to our citizens in disasters.

What Are We Doing?

We visited Afad Vice President Mr. Uğur Sezer

We visited Afad Vice President Mr. Uğur Sezer in his office and wished him success in his new position. We shared information about our search and rescue vehicle and our mobile oven, which our association has prepared to serve in times of disaster.

What Are We Doing?

Little Esin’s eye surgery was performed

Little Esin Lina Erbaş, who was diagnosed with an eye tumor, unfortunately lost her right eye. Esin’s family applied to our association and said that they wanted to have their daughter fitted with removable prosthetic eyes, but they could not afford this high-cost operation. We took action immediately, hoping to help little Esin get used to this new situation and to prevent some of the traumas she will experience during her growth. After one of our donors took on the expenses of Esin’s prosthetic eye and operation, little Esin’s procedures were completed on 31.10.2022 and she got a prosthetic eye. We will continue to share with you the good news of Essin, whose prosthetic eye will take its final form after 1 month of controls.

What Are We Doing?

We attend İzmir Earthquake Workshop

We took our place in the workshop organized as accredited non-governmental organizations and showed our support with the stands we set up. At the consultation meeting, Mr. AFAD President Governor Yunus Sezer and Civil Society Relations and Accreditation Department Head Abdülkadir Tezcan thanked us for the work we did in this workshop. İzmir Earthquake Workshop organized by Dokuz Eylül University under the coordination of DAUM Director Mr. Hasan Sözbilir; It started with the speeches of our Deputy Minister of Interior, Mr. İsmail Çataklı, Chairman of AFAD, Mr. Governor Yunus Sezer, and Vice-Rector Mr. Uğur Malaylıoğlu.
Akreditasyon alan sivil toplum kuruluşları olarak düzenlenen çalıştayda yerimizi alarak kurduğumuz stantlarla desteklerimizi gösterdik. Düzenlenen istişare toplantısında ise Sayın AFAD Başkanı Vali Yunus Sezer ve Sivil Toplumla İlişkiler ve Akreditasyon Daire Başkanı Sayın Abdülkadir Tezcan bu çalıştayda yaptığımız çalışmalar için bizlere teşekkürlerini ilettiler.

What Are We Doing?

We participated in the organization of the 2nd year of the Izmir Earthquake held under the Presidency of AFAD

In the organization of the 2nd year of the Izmir Earthquake, held under the Presidency of AFAD, under the leadership of our Honorable Governor Yavuz Selim Köşger, we took our place in the ceremony together with other non-governmental organizations that received accreditation, apart from the provincial protocol, public institutions and organizations. During the ceremony, we conveyed information about our work to the governor and the people who came to visit our stand, shared the visuals and talked about the projects we will do. Within the scope of the Regional Level Exercise held under the coordination of AFAD İzmir, we took our place with our hygiene truck and put it into service in the drill conducted for search and rescue activities, communication, security and fulfillment of needs in the Inciraltı Urban Forest. Then we helped with environmental cleaning.