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Urban Search and Rescue Training and Certificate Ceremony for First Hope Association

First Aid Training (7-8 February), Urban Search and Rescue Thematic Seminar (10-11 February), Map Compass GPS Training (14-18 February) and Light Search and Rescue Trainings are among the trainings required for the First Hope Association to be accredited within the framework of the Urban Search and Rescue Regulation. It was given by the trainers of our institution between 21-25 February 2022. After the trainings, a certificate ceremony was held with the participation of our Planning and Risk Reduction Department Head Abdülkadir TEZCAN and our provincial Director, Kartal MUHCI.

Source: https://izmir.afad.gov.tr/ilk-umut-dernegine-kentsel-arama-kurtarma-egitimi-ve-sertifika-toreni